Sunday, February 3, 2013

Scientific Method Worksheet

1) The scientists assumed that there was no life on Mars because the broths did not produce as much carbon dioxide as it would have on Earth.

2) The scientists got soil from different parts of the Martian surface so they would be able to not only compared results with what happens on Earth, but the other part of Mars as well.

3) Micro organisms were the characteristic of life being tested for in this experiment.

4) Scientists found the evidence from this experiment to be inconclusive. The only way to be sure that life exists on Mars would be to find living proof of it.

1) The scientist's hypothesis was that a new antibiotic named Antibiotic F would be able to fight the micro-organism that causes pneumonia.

2) The control group were the 50 patients that were given the placebo pill.

3) The experiment group were the 50 patients given the actual antibiotic.

4) Graph I showed that the antibiotic didn't work in fighting the micro organism because after 6 days, patients with the placebo had a lower temperature than those with the antibiotic.

5) Graph II would support the hypothesis because it showed those with the placebo increasingly raising their body temperature, and those receiving the antibiotics significantly decreasing over time.

6) Scientists may have been able to compare its effectiveness towards males and females or based on age.

7) 50% were given the placebo to see if the antibiotic was the reason people got better, not just because they got better.

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